Friday, 17 April 2015

A Secretary's tale

I can still vividly recall the first time I volunteered for an event, five years back. The job entailed serving  refreshments to the judges and making sure all the participants for various events were present at the allocated venues. I was excited to wear a badge that read "Volunteer" but at the same time a little sad that I had to serve water and juice. It was less than a menial job, I thought. In the following year too I kept my ego aside and decided to volunteer again and work for CAT. I did enjoy it but still was dissatisfied with my job. I started to realize that being part of CAT wasn't as rosy as I had thought it would be. I had an epiphany! I realized that people who are part of CAT don't get to watch or participate in the events, they don't get to have fun or enjoy the shows, they don't get to have meals on time, they are the people back stage making things happen, so that the audience have the time of their lives. They go above and beyond to throw a kickass show. I distinctly remember when I was the Jt. Cultural Secretary, my then Cultural Secretaries were sweeping the CAT room with brooms after the fest was over. We, the Cultural Activity Team, do everything from picking up litter, serving refreshments, sweeping rooms to organizing a huge fest, getting sponsorship by running around the entire city, creating websites and apps and implementing innovative ideas every single time! We don't just talk, we walk the talk. We are a Team, a family, having a common goal. All of them who were part of CAT 2013-2014, thank you! All of you contributed in your own way and I can't wait to meet the new team. I also owe a heartfelt thank you to all my seniors who have taught me what humility, perseverance and hard work is really all about.

You can't connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. I am truly honored to have been part of such an amazing Team. It's hard to sum up the last four years in CAT but it was an education. A very important one at that. 

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